Welcome, boys and girls, to Mr. Hyde-man's neighborhood, where science meets creativity, and where creativity meets whatever it wants to!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hello, strangers and familar-gers:
This is essentially my first post... the last one was from bloody 2008. I don't even remember who the president was back then!!! That's an exaggeration.
I'm hoping to be posting (at a relatively steady rate) a variety of art-things, stories, cool internet finds, interactive adventures, and basically all those nifty things you've come to expect from somebody's blog.

A blog? How does one justify having a blog?
Why have one? I'm sure statistics could be pulled up to show that every day hundreds of new blogs are created, only to be futilely contributed to, ignored, and eventually taking up residency in the massive internet web-page graveyard. And that's a big graveyard, and nobody ever visits with flowers.
HOWEVER, who cares? Studies have shown that people with blogs are less likely to join a cult or hurt themselves snowboarding than people without them. So the truth is, this blog is my anti-drug. This'll keep me off the streets.

In conclusion:
To summarize, here's a drawing of a dodo bird I made!

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